Warning: mysqli_connect(): (42000/1203): User 103093_arraialb already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /datas/vol1/kalyz.net/var/www/arraial-d-ajuda.com/htdocs/inc/conf.php on line 58
Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /datas/vol1/kalyz.net/var/www/arraial-d-ajuda.com/htdocs/inc/functions.php on line 835
Warning: mysqli_errno() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /datas/vol1/kalyz.net/var/www/arraial-d-ajuda.com/htdocs/inc/functions.php on line 844
Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /datas/vol1/kalyz.net/var/www/arraial-d-ajuda.com/htdocs/inc/functions.php on line 844
Impossible d'effectuer la requête pour trouver les evenements du jour
Voici le message d'erreur renvoyé par la base de données :
Query: SELECT f.id_geo, f.titre, f.lieu, f.heure_debut, g.titre_geo
FROM agenda_full f, agenda_geo g
WHERE (f.debut='2024-03-06' OR ( f.debut<'2024-03-06' AND f.fin>='2024-03-06'))
AND f.valid='1'
AND f.id_geo=g.id_geo
ORDER BY g.ordre_tri_aa, f.heure_debut, f.id_manif